

The week began with the introduction of the charitable act of collecting and donating for the needy and poor. A representative from Ummah Welfare Trust (UWT) visited the school and spoke to the children. Children were presented with lots of useful information about the importance of donating our wealth, the rewards, and the good it...
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InshaAllah, the learning that took place from the visit to the Food Bank was be a valuable experience for the children and one that motivated them to think about local issues and how they could help. Giving charity not only enabled the children to follow one of the pillars of our deen but it also...
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We are starting up a new and exciting initiative to further develop the character of our pupils. We aim to raise self-esteem and independence as well as develop inter-personal skills through the use of non-class based experiences. Children will have opportunities to get involved with helping the community, explore and experience the natural world and...
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