Orienteering Trip 18/09/2024


Dear Parents/Guardian        

 Assunnah school has launched the Broadening Horizons initiative to help develop the character of our children. As part of this initiative, we have arranged a compulsory whole school trip for all children to experience orienteering, an outdoor experience allowing for children to navigate and discover their way around Waltham Abbey Gardens. Orienteering enables children to tap into their broader skills and abilities that cannot normally be utilised in the classroom. The trip will be as follows: 

 9:00 – Registration  

9:30 – Organise into teams / Teambuilding activities 

10:00 – Orienteering  

12:00 Salaah and lunch 

12:30 Dismissal and pickup 

 It is important for each child to take part in the trip so that they can benefit from the opportunity to develop their wider skills. The trip is arranged for Wednesday 18th September 2024. On the day, please bring your child Waltham Abbey Centre by 9am, the address of the centre is Waltham Abbey Gardens, Essex, EN9 1XQ  

 The activity should finish by 12:30 pm and children can be collected from the centre at that time. We would really like parents to join us for this trip and support the school and your child.  

 Please provide a suitable healthy packed lunch and enough water to drink throughout the day. Kindly note no fizzy drinks, bottles or any unhealthy food! It is also advisable to bring a warm waterproof jacket in case of unexpected weather changes. 

This is a reminder that the whole school Orienteering Trip will be taking place on Wednesday 18th September at Waltham Abbey Gardens. The trip is compulsory and all students must attend. Parents must drop their kids off at the garden at 9am and picked up at 12:30. Below is the address:

Waltham Abbey Gardens
Waltham Abbey

Jazaakumullahu Khairan

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