Delay in the school opening

Assalamu Aleykum Warahtullah Wabarakatu Parents/Carers,


And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient: Sural Baqarah (2: 155)

I hope you are all well and that you have had a good holiday so far. Our Value of the first half term is patience, and as above ayah reminds that Allah SW will test us.  May Allah SW increase our patience and ease our affairs, Ameen.

As promised, I am contacting you to give you an update. I’m sure many of you will have heard the Government U-turn announcement earlier this afternoon about all primary schools in London remaining closed in January.

Being in school is vital for children’s education and their wellbeing. Time out of school is detrimental to children’s cognitive and academic development, particularly for our children. This impact can affect both current levels of education, and children’s future ability to learn, therefore we need to ensure all pupils can return to school sooner rather than later.

The plan is Insha Allah that we will reopen on Monday 18th January.

Until then, we will be providing home-learning for all children daily. We expect all children to access the home-learning on ClassDojo, Google Classroom and Zoom for live lesson’s as we did previously Alhamdullah.

If you are unable to access Google Classroom and Zoom, you must let the school know as soon as possible so that we can find a solution. Children must continue with their education, and we will do our very best to ensure that all children can access their learning. Please email or to let us know if you have any issues with connecting. The home-learning will start on Tuesday 5th January.

Let’s hope that the infection levels reduce quickly and that we can all be back at school soon Insha Allah.


Hodan Yussuf

Head Teacher

Delay in the school opening “Full Head Teacher Letter”

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