Assunnah Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children. To achieve our commitment, we will ensure continuous development and improvement of robust safeguarding processes and procedures that promote a culture of safeguarding amongst our staff, governors and volunteers.
We are committed to inspiring, challenging and safeguarding our pupils, enabling them to become:
- Successful learners, who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve.
- Confident, well-rounded individuals who can live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
- Responsible British Muslim citizens who will make a positive contribution, both socially and economically, to society.
This is best achieved when we all work together to support the whole child’s development. We pride ourselves on knowing not just about our children’s learning but about them and their families as individuals and valued members of our school community.
The Designated Safeguarding lead person for Assunnah Primary is Mrs Hodan (Head Teacher).
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding leads are Mr Mohamed Yusuf (School Manager), Mr Mohamed Amin (Senco) and Mrs Manal Mohamed (Early Years Lead) and (Deputy Safeguarding Lead).
The designated Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Hafsa Shegow.
All adults who work in school are responsible for reading and understanding the key safeguarding documents and policies and acting in accordance with the policy at all times. This expectation is explained in the Staff Handbook, the Staff Code of Conduct and the visitors’ ‘Staying Safe’ leaflet. (Available at the school office)
All adults in school are expected to read the Safeguarding and Child Protection and (‘Keeping Children Safe in Education in KCSIE) in 2023 (DfE, 2023a). This is revised and read on an annual basis. They also read the school’s whistleblowing policy, the behaviour policy, and the guidance on ‘Children Missing in Education’. Staff must sign to say they have read and understood these documents and annual safeguarding training.
All adults who work in school have a responsibility to read and understand all safeguarding policies and to act within accordance of the policy at all times. This expectation is displayed on the school’s staff noticeboard, as explained in the staff Handbook and in the visitors ‘Welcome’ leaflet. (Available to visitors at reception)
There is a ‘Child’ friendly’ document available in school for children to access and read called ‘Staying Safe at Assunnah Primary School’.
Further information about safeguarding children in Haringey can be found on the Haringey Safeguarding Children Partnership website:
Additional information about the Prevent Strategy in Haringey be found:
Safeguarding Policy and Related documents:
Click the links below to view or download the document in PDF format.
Safeguarding& Child Protection Policy
Keeping children safe in eduction
Keeping children safe in education “Arabic translation”
Keeping children safe in education “Somali translation”
Keeping children safe in education “Bengali translation”
Anti-Bullying Week ( 11-15 November 2024 ) : United Against Bullying
We understand how bullying can affect emotional health. Bullying has a long lasting effect on those who experience and witness it. But by channelling our collective power, through shared efforts and shared ambitions, we can reduce bullying together. From parents and carers, to teachers and politicians, to children and young people, we all have a part to play in coming together to make a difference to help boost emotional wellbeing. Our schools, and local communities to get involved. This will help boost the wellbeing of those who have experienced bullying to minimise isolation and lift self-esteem.
Assunnah Primary Anti-Bullying Policy
Volunteering in school
Volunteering and visitors policy will be posted soon