Snack and meal times are a great opportunity for children to learn a variety of essential skills such as hygiene, interaction and taking turns. Children also learn about the importance of healthy eating.

Healthy eating is a very important policy we encourage, so foods like junk food, burgers, chips and fizzy drinks are not allowed. Children are encouraged to eat healthier alternatives like vegetable, pasta, rice sandwiches, fruit, milk and water.

We ask parents to adhere to this when preparing snack and packed lunches. Jazak Allaah

Our School Milk Scheme

As part of a healthy balanced diet we provide a milk scheme. School milk provides
your child with essential nutrients. It is also rehydrating and energy boosting, helping to bridge the gap between breakfast and lunch so children to stay focused.

Every child who is registered at Assunnah nursery is automatically registered onto our free milk scheme. Parents who wish to opt out of the scheme will need to inform the office.

Our school milk scheme receives a 189ml (third of a pint) of semi-skimmed milk every day. This is delivered fresh and chilled every day. Thanks to government subsidies, school milk is free for all under-fives.

Contact information

Assunnah Primary School
565A High Road
Tottenham, London
N17 6SB

  • admin@assunnahschool.co.uk
  • +44 (0)20 8350 0592

contact the headteacher:
Ustadha Hodan Yussuf

  • head@assunnahschool.co.uk
  • +44 (0)20 8350 0592

contact the Manager:
Ustadh Mohammed Yusuf

Assunnah Islamic Centre/ Assunnah Primary School
565a High Road
N17 6QS

  • myusuf@assunnahschool.co.uk
  • Term Time Tel: +44 (0)20 8350 0592
  • Non Term Time Tel: +44 (0)20 8808 7951