Assalamu Aleykum Waratullah Wabarakatu Parents and Carers,
I hope you are all alright and coming to terms with the anxieties and upset you may be facing in light of moving to tier 4. But remember Allah SW says in Surah al-Inshirah: “With Every Difficulty, There is Relief.” Insha Allah, Allah SW would find us a way out of this BinthiniAllah.We all want to do as much as possible to help reduce the infection spreading any faster than it is. I am thinking about every one of you. Also, in recent days, there is a lot of media coverage concerning children mass testing in schools. Please be reassured that this programme of testing is initially for Secondary school pupils. If the programme is rolled out to primary schools, no child will ever be tested without your consent. Furthermore, there have been a few articles in the news in the last few days about the possibility of schools not returning as planned in January. At this present moment, I am reading what you are reading. We have received no further information about this from the Department for Education. We plan to open to children on Tuesday 5th as planned. We want our children to be at school, learning and being with their friends but if the Government decide that we need to remain closed, we will, of course, follow this. As soon as I hear anything regarding this, I will let you know straight away.
Be safe and look after yourselves.
Jazak Allah Kheriian
Hodan Yussuf