Anti-Bullying week 15-19 Nov 2021


Anti-Bullying Week is an annual UK event which aims to raise awareness of bullying and to highlight ways of preventing and responding to it. In England, Anti-Bullying Week is organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance, which is a network of more than 100 member organisations all united against bullying.

Kindness is more important today than it has ever been.

The isolation of the last year has underlined how little acts of consideration can break down barriers and brighten the lives of the people around us. This is one of the reasons, that ‘One Kind Word’ was chosen as the theme of Anti-Bullying Week that took place from 15 to 19 of November 2021.

“Ask if someone’s OK. Say you’re sorry. Just say hey”

“In a world that can sometimes feel like it’s filled with negativity, one kind word can provide a moment of hope. It can be a turning point. It can change someone’s perspective. It can change their day. It can change the course of a conversation and break the cycle of bullying”

“Best of all, one kind word leads to another. Kindness fuels kindness. So from the playground to Parliament, and from our phones to our homes, together, our actions can fire a chain reaction that powers positivity”

It starts with one kind word. It starts today”

for more details please visit:

Here is our students Posters for Anti-Bullying week 

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