Why are times tables being taught like this at Assunnah? At Assunnah Primary , children learn about times tables in lots of ways during maths lessons. The children memorise times-table counting, use practical equipment, solve worded problems, play times-table games and many other active ways. The challenges are one way for the children to show...Read More
Assalamun aleykum Parents and Carers, This term, at Art Club, we are focusing on Traditional Islamic Art. We have been focusing on different tracing techniques on a Bismillah calligraphy piece. Children also get a chance to look at original calligraphy pieces, an aspect of Art used widely in our mosques. Masha’Allah to the lovely work...Read More
Assalamu Aleykum, Parents and Carers, Breakfast Club starts next week 13/01/2025, Insha Allah. The breakfast club is aimed at encouraging children to come to school early and have a chance to play before school starts Ustadha HodanRead More
AsalamuAlaykum Parents and carers, What a powerful start to the new term, Year 2 is focusing so hard, and they have impressed me with their drive to learn! Today, they have learned 3D Shapes and identified the properties! Mashaa’Allah!Read More
Assalamu Aleykum Parents and Carers, Please find information regarding the value of Spring 1. which is Patience. We will, Insha Allah, draw lessons from the hadith and the Quran so our children develop the attributes of patience. Ustadha HodanRead More
Asalama Aleykum, We are excited to announce that swimming lessons for the girls will begin next term. To ensure a smooth start, please make sure your child has the following items: a swimming costume (worn underneath their PE kit or school uniform for quick access), a towel, and loose trousers (e.g., joggers or track pants)...Read More
Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu Dear parent/ carers, Wednesday 23rd October 2024Asalamualaikum, Year 5 and 6 have had a wonderful time seeing the warship, HMS Belfast. They were able to also see different landscapes of London. I just wanted to say thank you to the parents that they came along and the staff too....Read More
Assalamu Aleykum Parents and Cares, Please find information about how the children will write a performance poem during the half-term break. Class teachers have already spoken to the children. The dates for the competition are as follows, as well as the success criteria. To write a performance poem -Success Criteria -linked to a school...Read More
Assunnah Primary Timestable Challenge Why are times tables being taught like this at Assunnah? At Assunnah Primary , children learn about times tables in lots of ways during maths lessons. The children memorise times-table counting, use practical equipment, solve worded problems, play times-table games and many other active ways. The challenges are one...Read More
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