September 2022


    Assalamu Aleykum Parents and Carers, the girls will starting swimming next Tuesday 13/09/22 Insha Allah, Please try to get Islamic swimming costumes by Tuesday next week. Letters of further explanation will be sent with the children by the end of tommorow Friday 09/09/2022
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Assalamu alaykum parents and carers, We have sent your child home today with a after school club letter. The clubs will be starting next week Wednesday 13th September 2022, from 3.10pm – 4.10pm. If you would like your child to attend please fill in the consent slip correctly and return it back to the school...
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  Intent   The 2014 national curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils: develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world...
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English Policy اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ [ العلق: 1] Read  in the name of your Lord who created  Intent  We teach children to flourish as writers and put reading at the core of the curriculum. We encourage a lifelong love of reading and promote the importance of building a varied vocabulary. We understand that...
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 Intent At the end of their Key Stage 2 experience, the Assunnah child will have the skills and knowledge to be an exceptional citizen and succeed in life. Alongside British Values, our Islamic values of having faith, tolerance, respect, patience, gratitude and justice permeate the teaching of every subject area and underpin the inclusive nature...
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