This Term (Spring 2), KS1 (years 1&2) had the opportunity to explore the topic of Oceans & Seas. The topic primarily introduced children to the different living organisms that reside under the sea, such as; fish, crustaceans and reptiles as well as corals and other sea plants. As part of this topic, children visited the...Read More
Throughout the week children were busy putting together their creative ideas for our inventions week. Children looked at inspirational and ground-breaking discoveries from Muslim civilisations that impact many walks of life even today such as: medicine, flight, transport, architecture, education, health, agriculture, mechanics, astronomy, navigation and more. Each year group worked on different inventions as...Read More
KS1 have been working hard learning about theme ‘earth in space’. To complement this learning further we arranged a trip to the science museum. Children visited an exhibition about space and did some independent research using a worksheet. They then watched a 45 min video about traveling to space.Read More
On Thu 2nd October 2014 Children performed their very own Hajj assembly. All children from Reception, Y1 to Y6 performed, plays, read out poems, sang Nasheeds and told stories from the life of prophet Ibrahim (AS) and from the life of prophet Mohammed (SAW). Children had been working tirelessly in their lessons to prepare for...Read More
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