Assalamu Aleykum Parents and Cares, Please find information about how the children will write a performance poem during the half-term break. Class teachers have already spoken to the children. The dates for the competition are as follows, as well as the success criteria. To write a performance poem -Success Criteria -linked to a school value...Read More
KS2 SATs 2022 Here are the dates for when the National KS2 SATs will take place in May 2023. Tuesday 9th May to Friday 12th May 2023. Here is the timetable for KS2 SAT week 2022: Please make sure children are in test area at least 10 minutes Early.Read More
Assalamu Aleykum Parents and Carers, Please find a list of words for Spelling Bee competition . The final Competition will be held on the 9th February 2023.Read More
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