Re-opening of the School on the 1st September 2020

Jazak Allah Keir once again for all of your support through this most unprecedented and challenging time. Alhamdulillah, we are all safe. You will be aware that our School is re-opening on

Ist September 2020.

We have updated the School Risk Assessment to reflect these changes and, as part of our risk assessment, we are required to continue to address health and safety concerns and reduce risks for children, and Staff. In this respect, we have put the following precautions into place:

Social Distancing

  • Parents must wear face masks and adhere to social distancing while you are at school premises and avoid overcrowding. Keep 2-meter distance at all times.
  • Children will continue to have lunch in their classroom. Water bottles should only be sent into School with your child’s name. It is advisable to provideyour child with a pocket hands sanitiser
  • There will be no assemblies or social gatherings, morning Adka’ar would be conducted in classes
  • PE (gloves, masks, aprons, eyewear) are provided for personal care and for administering first aid. Additional PPE is available for Staff as required; as per the guidance document: (Safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care settings; including the use of PPE’. For children who may present with physical challenges, Staff have been provided with eyewear and masks.
  • We have provided face masks as anoption for Staff if they choose to wear them, to keep themselves safe and the children they are working with.

Children and adults working with them should, where possible, follow the social distancing rules outlined in government guidance when they are not in School


Hand washing

As we are all aware, good hand hygiene is critical to reducing transmission rates of Covid-19. Therefore, all class areas, offices} School entrances, bathrooms and communal areas have handwashing provisions. There are a high number of visuals throughout School making it clear the expectation of the School, that from the moment of arrival until leaving, regular handwashing is including wudhu is the expectation. All children, Staff and visitors are required to sanitise their hands either on arrival to School and regular handwashing throughout the day.

In addition to good personal hygiene, the cleaning of School is critical. Again, ail supplies for this are provided for use throughout the day by staff and cleaning team. We will continue to have a cleaner on site during the day. It will be their responsibility to clean toilets, touch points and high frequency areas across the day.


Children should wear their uniform. On days when they have PE, they should come in, in their PE kits and wear all day, to avoid changing. Clothing must be changed every day to reduce risks to others.

What this means: Children will be supported to regularly wash their hands throughout the day e.g. on arrival, before and after playing out, pre mealtimes etc

The School has a clear plan as part of our risk assessment about the management of a child or staff member displaying symptoms and the implications for the School, Staff, pupils and premises. This has been developed in line with Public Health England (PHE) and Government guidance.

If your child is presenting with symptoms:

The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID w 19) are the recent onset of new continuous cough or high temperature or a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia).

If you develop these symptoms, however mild, or you have received a positive coronavirus (COVID-19) test result, then you should immediately self-isolate stay at home for at least seven days from when your symptoms started. If you live with others, all other household members who remain must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days.

Additional measures, we have put into place are:

  • Taking all Staff and children and essential visitors’ temperature on arrival.

Reminders to families and Staff to adhere to current government guidance and to maintain open communication with us about health issues.

If your child/staff member does present with symptoms whilst in School

  • The School has an identified isolation room where Staff supporting your child will wear full PPE, whilst waiting for you to collect your child. The School Admin Mahima will advise you on the current government guidance on what to do next regarding testing. The classroom and areas used will be closed and a deep clean will take place.
  • Parents of children will be informed that there has been a child/staff member sent home, presenting with symptoms and a child with a positive/negative test result.
  • The School Covid 19 designated Fist Aider contact parents to know the outcome of the test and will advise accordingly.

Children, and Staff in a class

If a child or member of Staff in school tests positive for COVID 19, all Staff and children within the “class ” will be sent home for 14 days and all areas accessed by the “class ” will be deep cleaned.

What this means: Within School we have systems for monitoring the health of our pupils and Staff and we expect that families are adhering to the latest government guidance and are open with School about any health concerns of their child, or another family member. We have a clear system in place in case of anyone showing symptoms in School with the use of an (isolation” room

Dropping off and collecting your child

  • We will use the same entrance as before but we advise parents to keep to a 2-metre distance
  • The taking of individual temperatures and sanitising of hands-on arrival will increase waiting times. I would ask you to be patient as we are doing this to reduce the risks for your children and Staff.
  • Parents/carers are required to keep themselves and their child 2 metres apart from others when queueing and use the line markings as a measure,
  • Parents/carers are permitted to enter the building while keeping social distancing measures when collecting or for a pre-arranged meeting.

 Transition and In-School transitions

For children joining us in September, we have met with most children and contacted Schools for further information. For all pupils, we will be implementing the regular curriculum and wellbeing sessions in PHSE for pupils to support their transition back into School

I want to thank you for your continuous support in helping your child learn from home. I trust this information is to your satisfaction, and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday, 1st September2020.



Assunnah Primary School

COVID 19 Posters