World Book Day

Assalamu Aleykum Warahmatu Lahi Wabarakatu

This week is Book Week, and we will be holding a variety of events in school  to help celebrate this. Allah(SW) Says: 

نحن نقص عليك أَحسن القصص” “We narrate to you the best of stories” (Sūrat Yūsuf, No 12, Āyat 3 The Quran narrates many real stories. These stories are a means for educating and training believers. The history of the Prophets is described through the stories of their experiences. Some stories are repeated, focusing on different aspects to reveal various dimensions of the same story. We will be reflecting on some of those stories, Insha Allah. Throughout the week, the children will be writing stories, including some stories from the Quran. These may be as a class, a group, a pair or on their own.

Monday – Early Years children across the school will be ‘buddied up’ and share their favourite picture book with their buddy. Please encourage your child to bring a copy of their favourite book to school, in case we don’t have a one

Tuesday – All staff in school will bring in their favourite children’s book, and children will be able to choose which story they want to listen to. 

Wednesday – Children to write about their favourite character, Early Years to talk about their favourite character. All children design a bookmark.

Thursday  – World Book Day. Children need to dress up as their favourite book character. By the end of the term, we hope to send out a newsletter with the best character descriptions of the week’s events.

Jazakom Allaho Kheiren

Hodan Yussuf




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