

This Term (Spring 2), KS1 (years 1&2) had the opportunity to explore the topic of Oceans & Seas. The topic primarily introduced children to the different living organisms that reside under the sea, such as; fish, crustaceans and reptiles as well as corals and other sea plants. As part of this topic, children visited the...
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Year 5 had an amazing water experience on the River Thames. Throughout the half term year 5 have been studying the exciting topic of ‘Water World’. To take this learning further children took part on a water adventure on the River Thames. The trip involved boarding at Tower of London pier and cruising on the...
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KS1 have been working hard learning about theme ‘earth in space’. To complement this learning further we arranged a trip to the science museum. Children visited an exhibition about space and did some independent research using a worksheet. They then watched a 45 min video about traveling to space.
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During this half term Years 2 and 3 have been studying the exciting topic of ‘Clothes and Coverings’ and ‘Around the World’. To take this learning further we arranged a trip to the William Morris Gallery where the children had the opportunity to experience the subject of textiles and thus further encouraging them to think...
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