

Assalamu Aleykum Parents/Carers,  Re-opening of the School in the Ist September 2020 Jazak Allah Keir once again for all of your support through this most unprecedented and challenging time. Alhamdulillah, we are all safe. You will be aware that our School is re-opening on Ist September 2020. We have updated the School Risk Assessment to...
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Assalamu Aleykum Waramatullah Wabarakatu Parents/Carers I hope you are all well and adjusting nicely to the gradual ease of lockdown. Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah (SW) the reported number of falling cases of Covid-19 is encouraging and Insha Allah, I am very hopeful that if the situation continues to improve, we will be in...
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Assalamu aleykum, Since we intend to reopen the school, we have decided to create a survey to gain an insight on how parents feel about this and whether parents are happy to send their child back to school. The link to the survey can be found below, please complete the form as soon as you...
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Safeguarding information during this lockdownAssalamu Aleykum parents/carers, We would like to inform that the school will be closed as from today 19/03/2020. A letter will be sent explaining in full the closure and please collect distance learning packs from your class teacher by 3.30pm. Jazakallahu kheyran Covid 19 Outbreak letter ON-Line Learning timetable How set...
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Assalamu aleykum, on the 11/03/2020 Assunnah school visited the Tottenham football stadium, these are some of the pictures taken during this tour.
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