School news


A school council is a formal group of pupils who act as representatives of their classmates in discussing school issues with the headteacher and staff. It’s a brilliant way of representing and contributing to Pupil Voice in your school. What does a school council do? A school council is a formal group of pupils who act as representatives of their classmates in discussing school...
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    Assalamu Aleykum Parents and Carers, the girls will starting swimming next Tuesday 13/09/22 Insha Allah, Please try to get Islamic swimming costumes by Tuesday next week. Letters of further explanation will be sent with the children by the end of tommorow Friday 09/09/2022
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Assalamu alaykum parents and carers, We have sent your child home today with a after school club letter. The clubs will be starting next week Wednesday 13th September 2022, from 3.10pm – 4.10pm. If you would like your child to attend please fill in the consent slip correctly and return it back to the school...
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Assalamu Aleykum Warahmatu Lahi Wabarakatu This week is Book Week, and we will be holding a variety of events in school  to help celebrate this. Allah(SW) Says:  “نحن نقص عليك أَحسن القصص” “We narrate to you the best of stories” (Sūrat Yūsuf, No 12, Āyat 3 The Quran narrates many real stories. These stories are...
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Assunnah Primary School is proud to have taking part in the “International Language Day Celebration” on Thursday 24/02/2022 hosted by MOTHER TONGUE & SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOLS PARTNERSHIP (MTSSP). Assunnah school participated on multi-media interactive language quiz with lots of fun questions. Year 5/6 and the class teachers got their pupils to vote (suggest having sections on...
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  Assunnah Primary School Presents:  “Spoken Words Competition” That is open to all year groups to write a poem about “Patient” and the deadline to submit your poem to your teacher  10/02/2022 and the winners will be announced on the 11/02/2022. Congratulations to you all and well done to all the participants in the poetry contest...
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Premier League Primary Stars uses the appeal of the Premier League and professional football clubs to inspire children to learn, be active and develop important life skills. The programme has been developed and is managed by the Premier League Charitable Fund, a Premier League funded charity which aims to create positive and lasting sporting, health...
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