

What is a school council? A school council is a formal group of pupils within a school who are elected by their peers to represent them and their views. Why have a school council? There are lots of reasons. Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that...
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Behaviour and Discipline Policy At Assunah the Aims and Discipline policy will reflect the ethos of the school; the objective is to promote Islamic behaviour of high moral standards. We believe that in order for learning to occur, good behaviour and discipline is a necessary required. We further believe that as Muslims any behaviour should...
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Value Based Education approach offers a new way of thinking about education and how children can be supported to develop to become successful and happy members of the global society. It encourages reflective and inspirational attributes and attitudes. They can be nurtured to help people, discover the very best of themselves which enables them to...
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Parents/Child Schooling Agreement As-Sunnah Primary school strives to offer a holistic education cultivating growth along spiritual, moral, emotional, intellectual, physical and communal dimensions. Our aim is to positively orient our students towards realising their full potential as exemplary contributors to our society, in actively promoting fundamental universal values. It is the policy of Assunnah Primary...
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School Uniform Policy Our School uniform is one of the requirements that each student must have. It is capable of instilling discipline and pride, and also believed to ‘lift’ grades as it crafts a more formal and academic atmosphere. Introduction It is our policy that all children should wear school uniform when attending school We...
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1- Managing suspected and confirmed COVID flowchart (click here) 2- NHS, COVID-19 symptoms and when to stay at home (click here) 3- NHS, COVID-19 symptoms and what to do next (click here) 
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A packed lunch can make a valuable contribution to your child’s diet and future health. It is important to include a balanced variety of foods so that your child can get all the nutrients they need.Recent surveys looking at children’s lunchboxes found that they were too high in fat (especially saturated fat), salt and sugar,...
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When your child starts school    They won’t be able to write much more than their name. Seven years later they will read fluently, write in paragraphs and have a unique but (hopefully!) legible handwriting style. Your child will learn in EYFS English,  English and KS2 English in this section, we help your child’s reading and writing . ...
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All those working to support the early years children can use Development Matters   as part of daily observation, assessment and planning.  It can also be used at points during the EYFS as a guide to making best-fit summative judgements, with parents and colleagues across agencies, in relation to whether a child is showing typical development,...
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Mathematics Is a creative and highly interconnected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for...
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