

Children and parents took part in the ecoACTIVE sustainability awareness sessions. ecoACTIVE is an innovative environmental education charity with a reputation for using hands-on, practical approaches to explore complex issues of sustainability.
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Mashallah what an amazing response from you all. A big big thank you to you all for really getting behind this project and helping us to raise nearly £1000! The sum far exceeded what we initially envisaged. We are now preparing to clear the space at the side of the school and prepare it for...
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KS1 have been working hard learning about theme ‘earth in space’. To complement this learning further we arranged a trip to the science museum. Children visited an exhibition about space and did some independent research using a worksheet. They then watched a 45 min video about traveling to space.
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Assunnah School children were quite distressed when they found out that the children’s section of the Marcus Garvey Library is closing down. This was a good opportunity for children to learn that being British allows for us value our rights and that we can challenge decisions that we believe would be beneficial. Children wrote letters...
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[av_image src=’×430.jpg’ attachment=’4026′ attachment_size=’featured’ align=’center’ animation=’no-animation’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’][/av_image] This month we have launched a new initiative to grow closer to the prophet and to perfect our behaviour and manners. Every day of the week each class will try and behave according to the following aspects of the...
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For the month of February our value of the month is truthful. In this month we aim to be truthful to: Allah by having firm belief in Him. Allah by obeying his commands of enjoining the good and forbidding the bad. Allah by being sincere in our worship and our intentions. The prophet Muhammad (SAW)...
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For the month of January our value of the month is faithfulness and gratefulness. In this month we aim to be more grateful and faithful as follows: Faithfulness We aim to: Have taqwaa of Allah- be aware that Allah is always watching us. Be true to the commands of Allah in our intentions, our worship,...
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InshaAllah, the learning that took place from the visit to the Food Bank was be a valuable experience for the children and one that motivated them to think about local issues and how they could help. Giving charity not only enabled the children to follow one of the pillars of our deen but it also...
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During this half term Years 2 and 3 have been studying the exciting topic of ‘Clothes and Coverings’ and ‘Around the World’. To take this learning further we arranged a trip to the William Morris Gallery where the children had the opportunity to experience the subject of textiles and thus further encouraging them to think...
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You may be aware that last term we set up our School Council. Children were asked to make a presentation in front of their peers as to why they would like to be on the school council and what they would do if they were elected. After counting the votes I am pleased to announce...
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